Questions You Need To Ask Before You Put Stakes on a Wheelchair Cab Service Provider

When it comes to hiring a private cab, you need to be extra cautious! Amongst a huge number of service providers, who would all claim to be the best in the business, you need to pick up the best cab service provider in Narre Warren. Only thorough research and a probe will get you to the best cab service provider. Now, when it comes to looking for a company that offers wheelchair taxi service, you need to be more cautious. Remember, you are about to hire a service provider who will have the responsibility of ferrying someone who is especially enabled, sick, or too old and frail to move around. Thus, you need to be extra cautious. You must ask a few questions that will help you to reach out to the best service provider. 

Are they experienced? 

This is the first and foremost question that you need to ask. When it comes to offering a wheelchair taxi service, you cannot expect a credible and quality service, if the service provider is not experienced. You must ensure that the service provider has been in this business for long. 

Are they willing to provide the references?   

Going through the testimonials on the website would have sufficed, had it been all about hiring a conventional cab hire service near Narre Warren. However, since you are looking forward to hiring a wheelchair cab service provider, ask whether they are ready to provide you the contact numbers of some of their passengers they have ferried in the recent past. By interacting with them, you will be able to get a first-hand report about the quality of their service.

Ask if the drivers are adequately trained to man a wheelchair

The drivers of these cabs have the responsibility of not only driving but manning the wheelchair and helping the passenger in and out of the car, in case the passenger has a problem in moving the wheelchair him or herself. 

Ask if they maintain the car regularly

This is another extremely important question you must ask. The passenger in a wheelchair must never be at slightest of discomfort during the journey. Hence, firstly the cab has to be spacious enough, and secondly, you must make sure that the driver of the wheelchair cab hire service in Cranbourne drives the car with utter carefulness and sincerity so that the passenger on the wheelchair is never in discomfort.

Ask if the service is insured?

Do not forget to ask this all-important question. Ensure that the service provider is authorised to provide you the service in the city they are operating and that they are insured. And also, ensure that the insurance coverage does not only include the driver and interest of the service provider but the passenger as well. 

So you see, there are so many things to learn from a wheelchair cab hire near Hallam. You must put stakes on the company you have eyed on, only after you have got satisfactory answers to all these questions. We pride to state that we at Casey Wheelchair Maxi Taxis are eligible on all these parameters and we are one of the best when it comes to offering a customised service. For further details, call us at 413789056.