Points That a Wheelchair User Should Know While Using Wheelchair Maxi Taxis

Of all the taxi service providers, some are meant to ferry passengers who are living with mobility restrictions. These taxi service providers would have vehicles in their fleet that are designed to transport people using wheelchairs.

Now when it comes to using these wheelchair maxi taxis, a passenger hiring a taxi service provider in Cranbourne needs to remember certain points that will add to his or her safety.

Let us discuss the points on this page.

Centre of Gravity of the Wheelchair user

This is one of the most important points they need to keep in mind. Every individual has a center of gravity that depends on the physical stature of the person in question. There are many activities for which the user has to reach, bend as well as transfer in & out of his or her wheelchair.

These movements can result in a shift of the CG, body balance, and distribution of weight in the wheelchair. Now when this happens during the journey, it can cause problems for the individual, due to the motion of the vehicle. That’s why, while the onus is on the driver of the Taxi Service Provider in Berwick to take care of a passenger in a wheelchair, it is also the responsibility of the passenger that he or she does not to do anything that makes maintenance of balance and stability difficult during the journey.

Bending Backward during the Journey has to be cautious

As and when the passenger needs to reach out for something by bending backward, the person has to bend backward to reach out as close as possible to an object. However, to do so, the passenger has to use caster wheels so that he or she can extend away from the drive wheels and create a longer wheelbase (where there is a longer gap between the caster wheels and the driver wheel). This will enable the user to reach back as far as the person’s arms can extend without the person having to change position. The driver of the taxi service provider in Lynbrook will have to ensure the passenger in the wheelchair in that case does not bend backwards, as it may cause the wheelchair to tilt backwards and fall .

Tipping the Passenger’s Wheelchair 

This is directly the responsibility of airport taxi hire in Clyde, wherein the driver has to grasp a non-removable part at the rear of the wheelchair. The occupant of the wheelchair has to be informed prior to tipping the wheelchair and ask the person to lean back to ensure some added stability. Here the professional has to ensure that the feet and the hands of the occupants are clear of the driver’s wheels of the wheelchair or any other pitch point, to avoid injury.

Moving through the Curbs

The user of the wheelchair has to move through the curbs with the assistance of the driver. In is important for the person with mobility restrictions to develop their own safe technique, which is best suited to his or her abilities with the help of the driver of the airport taxi hire in Lyndhurst. Hurdles like stairways, steps, and curbs are dangerous obstacles en route to boarding the taxi for a person using a wheelchair. Thus, whenever these obstacles are encountered, it is imperative that a suitable ramp is used. And it is the responsibility of the driver to help these individuals. In fact, the fame of a wheelchair taxi service provider will depend on the ability of professionals to assist these wheelchair users to access taxis and travel.

Here is where Casey Wheelchair Maxi Taxis excels. Thanks to our ability to help these individuals, we are regarded as the safest taxi service provider for these individuals. Call us at 0439392936 to book our service or email us at caseymaxitaxi@gmail.com to know more about us.